Health and Diet (Home page)


Having a healthy diet is really important for us. Diet is about what, how and how much you eat. Do you take all the nutrient? Do you eat all the food? But is that only enough?

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START YOUR NEW LIFE NOW! I'VE SPENT MOST OF MY LIFE ON QUICK-FIX DIETS, CLEANSES AND EATING FOOD I DIDN'T LIKE. But I learned the hard way. It's not only about what, how and how much of what you eat! Sometimes, some problems, can be solved with a little bits of fitness and trainings as well.

Does workout really helps to have a healthier body?

Well the answer of this question is yes! Of course workout helps you to have a healthier body. Being healthy is not only about eating good food and taking all the nutrient and enough food. Sometimes your body needs some movements and some challenges to be healthy. If you just eat and don't work out then your body will be lazy and you will have problem when you grow older and become old and of course you don’t want that! So it's not only about eating good food. You need to work out as well. So don't forget fitness!

This will be the link to my video about benefits of workout :)

What are the nutrient and what is a healthy diet?

Nutrient are the things that are in food. Example of nutrient are fibre, minerals, fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and water. If you want a balance diet, you should be able to have all these in the things you eat everyday. But having a balance diet and taking all the nutrient is not the end of story of being healthy. Being successful, is sometimes not that easy. Except eating good food and having balance diet and taking all the nutrient and the food that body needs you should also workout as well. Fitness is something really good. Doing exercise and things like this are not only good for your health but for your relaxation as well. So being healthy is not only about having balance diet and taking good nutrients.

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